F5 Labs shares five predictions around cybercrime in 2022

By Industry Contributor 15 February 2022

This year will see cybercrime incidents, fallouts, and innovations rise to worrying new levels of sophistication and reach. To make sense of it all, F5 Labs assembled a group of experts to delve into the detail. FULL STORY >


Unpacking the cybersecurity threats to the COVID-19 vaccine

By Industry Contributor 18 February 2021

The most in-demand item on the global stage right now is quite easily the Covid-19 vaccine. Unfortunately cybercriminals know this too and are likely to act accordingly. Raymond Pompon from F5 Labs explains what to watch out for. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Is the cloud really safe?

By Staff Writer 2 March 2020

Optimal cloud security requires a distinct way of thinking about IT infrastructure, says Ray Pompon, Principal Threat Evangelist at F5 Labs. FULL STORY >


Brand security – Trust or bust?

By Opinion 17 July 2018

Many business leaders need to ask themselves an important question: Do customers today trust you to protect their data and will that brand loyalty remain in the future? Martin Walsaw explains. FULL STORY >


F5 launches advanced WAF For multi-cloud app security

By Press Release 13 April 2018

F5 Networks is announcing its Advanced Web Application Firewall (WAF) solution for comprehensive application protection. FULL STORY >


EMEA in Firing Line for Evolving DDoS Threats

By Press Release 23 February 2018

New figures from F5 Labs report 64% rise in attacks and greater tactical diversity from cybercriminals; with EMEA enduring over 51% of attacks in 2017. FULL STORY >

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